Author: Alicia Utecht

“Why Did It Take Me Until Now For This” Award: The Ace Attorney series My sister has been telling me for years how great Ace Attorney is. When they were still in Carbondale and on the podcast, Ryan talked about how great Ace Attorney is. A group of my favorite YouTubers have all talked about how great Ace Attorney is. But for some reason, I never played it until 2024. I don’t regret that decision per se, as this proved to be an excellent year to be an Ace Attorney fan with the announcement and release of the Investigations collection,…

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[Editor’s Note: Authors were told to approach their game of the year lists however they wanted, including listing their favorite games they personally played this year regardless of release year.] “Why Did It Take Me Until 2023 For This” Winner: Earthbound Seriously, I want to shake past-me by the shoulders for taking so long to play Earthbound. It’s been on my radar for well over a decade and rose in priority when I started getting into Undertale a couple of years ago, but it wasn’t until this summer that I finally went, “I have access to it via Nintendo Switch…

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