Author: Jesse Snider

Presented in no particular order. Home Safety Hotline – Night Signal Entertainment HSH is an incredible entry in the ever-expanding “analog horror” genre, and like all the best horror games, it completely avoids jump scares and “screamers.” You play a remote worker who takes phone calls from individuals and has to identify what household hazards from which they may be suffering – starting with things like bed bugs, house flies, and frozen pipes, before gradually being introduced to stranger phenomena. HSH really knows how to mess with the player and keep them on their toes. Riven: The Sequel to Myst…

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[Editor’s Note: Authors were told to approach their game of the year lists however they wanted, including listing their favorite games they personally played this year regardless of release year.] 9. Anachronox (2001) Perhaps my favorite forgotten game, Anachronox was the brain child of a team led by id Software alum Tom Hall, that took the Quake 2 engine and crammed into it the mechanics of a party-based JRPG and a deeply weird, original, and delightful universe. Every line of dialogue is clever to the point that being introduced with a room full of new people to talk to feels…

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